The All Car Collision Repair Process

1. Estimate

2. Disassembly

3. Order Parts

4. Structure Repair

5. Body Repair

6. Paint

7. Reassembly

8. Detailing

Texas Right to Choose

Some insurance companies try to push you to use a specific repair shop, this is called steering. They say carefully worded phrases to avoid conflicting with Texas rules and to scare customers into thinking they won’t receive payment for their claim. Furthermore, some insurance companies may have ownership in the repair shop they recommend. Some pay bonuses to employees for sending customers to specific repair shops.

By law, insurance companies cannot tell customers where to go for repairs. The Texas Department of Insurance Bill of Rights lists regulations for auto insurance claims. “By law, you have the right to select where your motor vehicle is repaired and the parts used for repairs. However, an insurance company is not required to pay more than a reasonable amount for such repairs and parts,” states The Texas Department of Insurance.

Estimate Process

A repair estimate is a written approximation of how much it will cost to repair the damage to your car. Your insurance company will send its own adjuster to your home (or to a drive-in claims center) to estimate the repairs needed for your vehicle. It then will offer you an initial estimate based on your car’s pre-accident condition, labor rates, the amount of time the repair will take and the cost of parts. Once your insurance company has offered the estimate, you can use that money to pay for the repairs to your vehicle. All Car Collision can help you understand every step of the estimate process so you can be confident that you’re getting every dollar of coverage your insurance provides.

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

All Car Collision, Inc.

12288 Beechnut St, Houston, TX 77072, USA

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