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Auto Repair Services
Air Conditioning (AC) Repairs
Heating and A/C ought to be checked seasonally to keep your car comfortable. Your Site Tire & Service offers quality auto A/C repair services.
Alternator Repair
Electrical systems must be inspected and sustained whenever you have service on your vehicle. Simple examinations could avoid big repairs to your alternator and electrical system.
Batteries ought to be examined and sustained to guarantee the performance of your automobile’s electric system.
Belts and Hoses
Routine replacement of belts and hoses can save time and money over the life of your automobile.
Brake Repair
Regular examination is a important aspect to reliability, and durability of your brakes and brake pads.
Car Service
Preventative Maintenance is the most effective method to extend the life of your car and avoid pricey repair works over time.
Engine Cooling Systems
Cooling Systems reduce heat to help all other engine parts function properly.
Engine Diagnostics
Today’s vehicles are equipped with highly sophisticated electronic engine control systems. The computer receives information from a network of sensors and switches that tells your ignition, fuel and emission control systems what to do.
Engine Repair
When the Check Engine Light turns on, or at the very first indicator of engine problems, Your Site Tire & Service may run a complete engine diagnostics examination, and take care of your engine repair.
Fluid Inspection
Fluids need to be examined and changed at normal intervals, most fluids are examined and filled during regular oil changes.
Headlight Restoration
Dim headlights could be safety dangers in the dark or in bad weather conditions.
Lift Kit Installs
You see them all the time: Light trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, Jeeps, and more, coasting down the highway, sitting atop towering truck suspension lift kits and sporting a set of tires so big that a person could live in them./p>
Monthly Maintenance
Taking your vehicle to us each month can help make sure your vehicle is operating correctly and running smoothly. You can also raise the hood and not be intimidated by following a few simple recommendations for owner maintenance.
Do you feel like you are constantly inflating and re-inflating your tires? Nitrogen is now available for passenger cars and light trucks. Oxygen escapes quickly through tire rubber; nitrogen escapes 20-30% slower. Keep your tires inflated with nitrogen.
Preventative Maintenance
Bringing your vehicle to us for regular service is the best way for you to save money on automotive costs and save time on easily avoidable mechanical problems.
Tire Balancing
Tire Balancing must be performed every 4,000 – 6,000 miles for the life of your tires.
Tire Repair
Flat Tires can allow the rim of the wheel to relax on the tire tread or on the ground, potentially create a blowout or a loss of control of the car or irreparable damage to the tire.
Tire Installation
The life expectancy of a tire depends on road conditions, driving habits, use, and tire. Tires must be replaced at the very least every 6 years.
Tire Rotation
Proper Tire Rotation helps promote even wear to your tires, extending their life, and improving safety.
Transmission Fluid Flush
When your automotive service needs involve your vehicle’s transmission, never forget that most transmission problems start out small but get much worse over time.
Transmission Repair
Transmission Fluid must be flushed and the filter changed every 30,000 miles to prevent usual transmission issues.
Tune-ups can extend the life of your vehicle and decrease the need to replace engine parts that are vulnerable to wear and tear.
Wheel Alignments
Wheel Alignment is the placement of your wheels to a standard that is set for your car. To preserve correct command of your automobile, your wheels ought to be correctly aligned.
Auto Repair Services
Car Care Tips
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A/C Repair
Alternator Repair
Belts & Hoses
Brake Repair
Car Service
Engine Cooling Systems
Engine Repair
Fluid Inspection
Headlight Restoration
Lift Kit Installs
Monthly Maintenance
Muffler / Exhaust System Repairs
National Accounts
Oil Changes
Preventative Maintenance
Shuttle Service
Suspension Repairs
Tire Balancing
Tire Repair
Tire Installation
Tire Rotation
Towing Service
Transmission Fluid Flush
Transmission Repair
Tune Up
Wheel Alignments
Wiper Blades
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All Car Collision, Inc.
12288 Beechnut St, Houston, TX 77072, USA